祝福语 > 生日祝福大全 > 自己生日祝福语简短独特英文(55条)





1、祝我自己生日快乐! 我希望我会越来越好! 所有的理想都会实现的!Happy birthday to myself! I hope I am getting better and better! All idealscome as promised!

2、亲爱的自己,快乐,开朗,坚强,温暖,这些都与性格无关。Dear myself, to be happy, to be cheerful, to be tough and warm, which hasnothing to do with character.

3、愿我的生日充满绿色幻想和金色梦想。May my birthday be filled with green fantasies and golden dreams.


5、祝自己19岁生日快乐,希望自己天天开心学业有成。I wish myself a happy 19th birthday and hope that I will be happy and successful in my studies every day.

6、永远年轻,永远热泪盈眶。Always Young, always in tears.


8、祝自己生日快乐!新的一年也要棒棒的鸭。Happy birthday to myself! A great duck for the new year.

9、只有登上山顶,才能看到那边的风光。今天是自己的生日,祝自己快乐!Only by climbing to the top of the mountain can we see the scenery over there. Today is my birthday, I wish myself happy!

10、当一切回不到从前时,我们只能向前看,往前走,对自己好。When everything can't go back to the past, we can only look forward, go forward, and be good to ourselves.


12、别人生日都吃长寿面,我生日却吃挂面。Other people eat longevity noodles on their birthdays, but I eat noodles on my birthdays.

13、亲爱的自己,要快乐、要开朗、要坚韧、要温暖,这和性格无关。Dear self, to be happy, to be cheerful, to be tough, to be warm, this has nothing to do with character.

14、雨在淅淅沥沥下,声音清脆,是雨点们给自己在说生日祝福语吧!rain in the dripping, crisp voice, is the raindrops to say their birthday wishes!

15、想要你和我一辈子,祝自己生日快乐。I want you and me to wish each other happy birthday for the rest of our lives.【J458.CoM 励志的句子】

16、人的一生注定要有三天七天的奋斗,祝我生日快乐!Man's life is destined for three days and seven for struggle. Happybirthday to myself!


18、时间是让人猝不及防的东西终究又长大了一岁。Time is an unexpected thing, after all, has grown a year.


19、别的不重要,最重要的是要用心,用心祝自己生日快乐!the other is not important. the most important thing is to wish you a happy birthday with your heart.




23、平安喜乐,岁岁无忧,祝自己生日快乐!happy birthday to you!


25、又一次回到原点,我希望自己永远是个小仙女!Once again, I hope I will always be a fairy!


27、你觉得生活很艰难,是因为你只想靠自己。you find life difficult because you just want to be on your own.

28、我忘了我自己的生日。I forgot my own birthday.

29、又涨了一岁,祝自己生日快乐,2019年顺顺利利的,加油!Happy birthday to you, I wish you a smooth and profitable year in 2019. Come on!

30、热烈祝贺我的生辰!愿你的计划都能实现、愿我的生活永远美丽!Warm congratulations on my birthday! May all your plans come true, and may my life be beautiful forever!


32、温暖而善良自由且富余,生日快乐祝我自己。Warm and kind and free and abundant, happy birthday to myself.


34、又老了一岁,脸上不要长褶子,心里永远十八岁!Aged one year, do not have long folds on the face, heart forever eighteen years old!


36、人的命,三分天注定,七分靠奋斗。祝自己生日快乐!The human life, three points is doomed, seven points depends on the struggle. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOURSELF!


37、美丽的清晨迎来又一个生日,祝自己越来越好!生日快乐!永远快乐!Beautiful morning ushered in another birthday, I wish myself better and better! Happy birthday! Always happy!

38、祝我无坚不摧,祝我百毒不侵,祝我生日快乐,愿往后余生不负自己,一切安好!May I be indestructible, may I be invulnerable, may I have a happy birthday, may the rest of my life live up to me, all well!

39、每一个平凡的日子都有小小的幸福冒出,祝自己生日快乐!Every ordinary day has a small happiness, I wish their own happy birthday!

40、祝自己生日快乐新的一年越来越优秀,努力上进不怕苦不怕累!I wish myself a happy birthday and a better and better new year. I will strive to make progress without fear of hardship or tiredness.

41、对过去你遗憾的事情笑一笑,今天停下来和自己说声生日快乐。Smile at the things you regret in the past, stop today and say Happy Birthday to yourself.

42、求快乐时非快乐,得便宜处失便宜。祝自己生日快乐。It is not pleasure to seek pleasure, but gain and lose. Happy birthday to myself.

43、愿我在生日的日子里,充满绿色的畅想,金色的梦幻。May My birthday be filled with green dreams and golden dreams.


45、抓住今天的小尾巴,祝自己生日快乐!朋友圈的你们,你们也要快乐哦!Grasp today's little tail and wish you a happy birthday! Friends circle of you, you also want to be happy!

46、没有激流就称不上勇进,没有山峰则谈不上攀登。祝自己生日快乐!No torrent is no courage, no mountain is no climbing. Happy birthday to myself!

47、祝我自己生日快乐、要快乐一定要快乐。Happy Birthday to myself. Happy Birthday to myself.

48、一个属于自己的日子,属于妈妈的日子,快乐,又心痛。A day of my own, a day of my mother, happy and heartbreaking.

49、在这个特别的日子里,我希望生活越来越美好,让美丽和奔放永远陪伴着我。On this special day, I wish life more and more beautiful, so that beautifuland unrestrained always accompany.

50、不是每天都能过生日,希望我今天生日快乐,愿你年年岁岁幸福永伴!It's not every day that I can celebrate my birthday. I hope I have a happy birthday today. I wish you happiness every year.

51、希望自己成为那种不声不响、 却又光芒万丈的人、 祝自己生日快乐。I wanted to be the quiet, Ray of Light person who wished me a happy birthday.

52、希望我下个生日,会有一个爱我并我爱的男朋友。I hope I have a boyfriend who loves me and I love him for my next birthday.


54、永远年轻,永远热泪盈眶。Forever young, always tearful.

55、成功人士的沉默,是为了让自己更加备受关注。生日快乐,祝福自己!Successful people are silent in order to get more attention. Happy birthday, bless yourself!